is an abnormal uncontrolled growth of cells that can lead to death. Cancer
cells rapidly reproduce despite restriction of space, nutrients shared by other
cells, or signals sent from the body to stop reproduction. Today, cancer is a common household
word, with each of us closely associated with at least one near and dear one, a
family member or a friend, a neighbor or a colleague, diagnosed with cancer.
Tobacco, Alcohol,
Dietary Factors, Occupational exposures, Viruses, Parasite, habits, Lifestyles,
Environmental Risks- Second hand smoke, Air pollution, Industrial pollution, Chemical exposures
Lifestyle Risks- Smoking, Diet high fat and low in fruits and vegetables, Lack of exercise, Unprotected exposure to the sun, (UV) rays, Obesity etc.
According to
Sushruta, the fundamental cause of major neoplasm is the pathogens that affect
all parts of the body. Cancer in each person differs according to the person’s
exposure to pathogens and genetic constitutions which make each of them to
react differently to the same diet.
The factors
responsible for the vitiation of doshas are discussed here –
Doshas |
Aggravating factors |
Vata doshas |
excessive intake of bitter, pungent,
astringent, dry foods and stressful conditions.
doshas |
intake of sour, salty, fried foods and excessive anger.
Kapha doshas |
excessive intake of sweet, oily food
and sedentary nature |
doshas |
intake of acid or alkali containing foods. Fried and roasted foods, alcoholic
beverages, sour fruits are some examples. Excessive anger or severe emotional
upset, sunbathing or working under scorching sun or near fire and hot
conditions, etc. are some other causes.
Mamsa doshas |
excessive use of exudative foods like
meat, fish, yoghurt, milk and cream. Behaviours leading to exudation like
sleeping during the day and overeating are some of the causes for pathogens
invading the fatty tissues |
doshas |
intake of oily foods, sweets, alcohol and lazy attitude
– Swasthasya Orjaskarm
– Aaturasya Vikar Prashamanam
are based on principles. Which includes:
– Various
procedures like Snehana, Swedana, Vamana, Virechana, Nasyam, Basti,
Ksharakarma, Raktamokshana etc.
treatments (Shamana Chikitsa):
herbal, herbo-mineral, processed metals like Zinc, Copper, Iron etc. are
widely used
treatment to improve quality of life (QOL)
advises, (does and don'ts)
Basic Treatment Modalities
Pacifiers (Shamana)-Medicines that balances vitiated dosha without removing them from body.
(Shodhana)- Panchakarma-Vamana,
Virechana, Basti, Nasya, Raktamokshana
Brain Cancer- Shatavari (Aparagus),Yashtimadhu
(licorice), Mandukaparni (Bacopa ) &
Kastoori Bhairav Rasa, Brahmi Vati,
Smritisagar Rasa etc.
Cancers –
Pathyadi kwath, Varunadi Kwath,
Kaishor guggulu, Kasamarda (Cassia oxidentalis), Mahalaxmivilas Rasa etc.
Cancers – Malla
sindura, Samir pannaga Rasa, Somal
Bhasma, Kantakari, Vyaghri,
Vasasava, Kanakasava, Chitraka
Haritakiavaleha, Bhallatakavaleha,
Pippali (Piper longum), Hirak Rasayana etc.
Cancers: Shatavari
(Asparagus resimosus), Amlaki
(Philanthus amblica), Aloe Vera,
Changeri Ghrita, Mahakalyanaka Ghritam,
Bhomi Amalaki, (Philanthus nurare),
Avipattikara Churnam, etc.
5. Intestinal
Cancers: Shigru
(Moringa olifera), Panchamrit parpti, Brihada
Gangadhara Churnam, Kutaja Ghanavati,
Kutaja avaleha, etc.
Genital Cancers: Ashoka
(Saraka Ashoka), mukta panchamrita rasa,
Fala Ghrita, Dhanvantara Tailam etc.
Cancers; Bhumvamalaki,
Bhallataka, Triphala, Guduchi,
Arogyavardhini, Phalatrikadi Kwatha etc.
8. Blood
Cancers: Somala
Bhasma, Ashvagandha, Samirpannaga
rasa, Anantmula (Hermidesmus indicus)- Suvarna Vasant Malti Rasa etc.
Cancers: Aabha Gugglu,
Madhu Malini Vasant Rasa, Sariva etc.
Cancers: Gojivha, Chinchabhallataka, Jivaniya gana
11. Skin Cancers: Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Sameera Panaga Rasa, Kaishor Guggulu, Gandhak Rasayan etc
Ø According to Ayurveda, having fresh foods can help you to prevent cancer. Consuming more of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits may prove to be helpful.
Ø Avoiding fat-based foods or fried foods can be effective in preventing cancer.
Ø Drinking green tea regularly can be very useful for killing any growth of cancerous cells in your body and thus help you to prevent cancer.
Ø Cutting down on foods with higher quantities of sugar can help you to prevent cancer.
Ø Include foods replete in vitamin D and vitamin C or citrus foods as these helps to combat many kinds of cancer.
Ø Incorporate spices like turmeric in your daily cooking regimen. The 'curcumin' present in turmeric coupled with a few other accompanying properties can help to prevent the growth of cancer cells in your body.
Ø Say no to snacks, fast food and ready to eat food.
Ø Practice meditation and yoga for mental and physical relaxation. To calm the mind to a clear and tranquil state, will especially help you to distinguish what is beneficial for you and what not.
Ø Listening to harmonious music is soothing, calming and healing for the mind, thoughts and nervous system.
Ø Ayurved prayojnam “Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam” Prevention & “Aturasya Vikar Prashmanam” manage the disorders for a healthy life. Nidan parivarjan is to avoid the disease-causing factors in diet & life style of the patients. So, Prevention is better than cure for Hope, Health and Happiness.
nice article
ReplyDeleteVery nice and impressive.. This will be helpful for all nations.... Congratulations to Dr. Monika....
ReplyDeletevery informative n well narrated
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing all this wonderful information .It is so appreciated
ReplyDeleteGreat effort, keep it up, God bless✋✋✋✋
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing. I have found it extremely helpful…
ReplyDeleteUseful post
ReplyDeleteThe efforts put in the article are highly appreciated. It provides useful insight in the topic covered. Thanks and good luck for future endeavors !